
One day you work 8 hours at work, you are constantly in contact with leaders, colleagues and customers … Communication, dealing with them in the office as to how to achieve the highest efficiency and demonstrate Culture in behavior is a concern of many “officers”. FGC Techlution quote to share with you 10 rules “gold” in the offices of conduct to help you succeed.
Learning how to deal with superiors
Communicate in all situations, dealing with your superiors should keep calm and confident when presenting their views. When facing a disagreement with your boss about your job perspective or behave clever and suggestions boss most subtly. Avoid causing disharmony, quarrels with the boss when your opinion is not accepted this will affect your image in the eyes of your boss and colleagues.

To become a trusted employee and boss appreciate you should also straightforward presentation, clarity of his political work. Please carry out your work with your boss on the spirit of cooperation and development.

Respect for colleagues

Colleagues are people with whom you will often interact and work together to build company projects. Therefore, you need to establish those relationships on the basis of mutual respect and mutual respect. Avoid the situation that you consider yourself “better than your colleagues”, you will find it difficult to find a common voice with them at work. Conversely, you also should not be too self-deprecating myself on the qualifications and expertise than this fellow will make you easily depressed and deteriorating quality of work. See your colleagues as companions to share work and enjoy success.
Build relationships with subordinates

This is the powerful partner to help you complete all of the work was entrusted superiors. Need to give them confidence and help them have a full energy source to be able to start work. Inspire them anytime, anywhere, avoiding the attitude ordered, yelling subordinates. However, there are strict rules for employees to complete the work on time.

Don’t turn yourself into “office thunder”
At work, you should have your own opinion, not be too passive. You should clearly understand the position and the work you are doing, avoiding the situation of “doing whatever you say”. Need a clear working process and in particular, the best in each week you should plan work and evaluate the effect on the weekends.

Avoid offers that don’t match your expertise
One day you just have to work 8 hours at work, so you have to make optimal use of the time. It should not be too “embrace” in his job or receive too many words implying help from colleagues you feel it does not suit you. You should know how to say no as tactfully and tactfully as possible.

Limit “chatting” too much in the office
You should only make the situation chat when needed or spare time. Do not overdo it, especially chatting too much will cause you to lose points in the eyes of your boss and colleagues make bored. Don’t turn yourself into an office “gossip lady” while you have a mountain of work to do.

Bragging bonus
Currently, in order to ensure objectivity and fairness to the working capacity of each employee companies are less revealing receive food and other profits. You brag about the salary or bonuses with colleagues will make you become insensitive and self you can isolate your people.

“Bad words” colleagues
This is one of the taboos in any company or organization. If you are unhappy with your superiors or colleagues so candid and witty comments to them. Do not, speak ill of them or deliberately “split factions” will not do anything good when you are the one who stops talking bad about this person and disparages others.

Cultural phone use
Let colleagues show that you are using smart technology. Before entering a meeting or to meet clients you should switch off or switch to silent mode for your phone. It would be rude when you’re working with colleagues and customers, but the phone just rang loudly.

Work hard, play hard

When you have built yourself a serious working attitude and brought quite positive results, why not “relieve the stress” with your colleagues? You should join our best practices into the company by the union organization, this moment you will discover interesting things from his colleagues.

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